Achieve whole body health and vitality by addressing hidden stressors and root causes. Learn life long skills to improve, achieve and maintain your optimal health long term.

Service Packages

This is a comprehensive plan for those who want to dig deep to uncover any and all hidden stressors, dysfunctions and root causes. Includes the following labs:

  • DUTCH Test for assessment of hormone levels, hormone metabolism, cortisol rhythm, organic acids, detoxification and oxidative stress markers, and more.
  • GI-Map for assessment of gut microbiome balance, presence of unwanted pathogens, parasites and other pests, digestive enzyme health, immune health, gluten reactivity, and more.
  • HTMA is the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis used to assess mineral balance, heavy metal presence, and the state of the metabolism.
  • MRT is a Mediator Release Test that assesses the presence of food sensitivities in 170 foods.
  • A 5th test chosen based on your particular health concerns and needs.

This is an in depth plan for those who want to dig deep to uncover the most common hidden stressors, dysfunctions and root causes. Includes the following labs:

  • DUTCH Test for assessment of hormone levels, hormone metabolism, cortisol rhythm, organic acids, detoxification and oxidative stress markers, and more.
  • GI-Map for assessment of gut microbiome balance, presence of unwanted pathogens, parasites and other pests, digestive enzyme health, immune health, gluten reactivity, and more.
  • HTMA is the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis used to assess mineral balance, heavy metal presence, and the state of the metabolism.

This is a foundational plan for those who want to uncover the most common hidden stressors, dysfunctions and root causes. Includes the following lab:

  • DUTCH Test for assessment of hormone levels, hormone metabolism, cortisol rhythm, organic acids, detoxification and oxidative stress markers, and more.


Your doctor is determining that you are perfectly healthy based on conventional labs, where you are likely within the normal ranges. Unfortunately, conventional labs are based on averages of entire populations, which includes many unhealthy people.  Functional lab ranges are based off of healthy populations and ranges that are considered necessary for optimal health.

Conventional lab testing is the type carried out by your physician. It looks for parameters that determine a state of disease or illness, or lack thereof. Functional labs look at parameters within various bodily systems that indicate ideal health and function. When values fall outside the healthy range, it tells us that a particular system is not operating at its ideal. We use functional labs to help people fine tune their health. Doctors use labs to diagnose illness and disease.

Functional labs are not typically covered by insurance because they cannot be used to diagnose an illness or disease state. Insurance is only interested in sick care, diagnosis of illness and medical treatment. As FDN-Ps, we are interested in optimizing health and preventing disease. These goals are not typically included in conventional medicine and insurance models.

Currently, most insurances do not cover health coaching fees. As a profession, we are working to change this for the future.

Sessions can be done over Zoom, Skype or FaceTime. If you prefer an in person meeting and you live in the St. Louis area, I am happy to meet at any mutually agreed upon location.

The testing method depends on each particular test that is recommended. Most tests can be done in the comfort of your home. Examples include dried urine, dried blood spot (from a finger prick), small hair tissue cuttings, or stool tests. In a few instances a test may require a blood draw at a lab.

When we refer to HIDDEN(O) Stressors, we looking to identify internal stressors and dysfunctions within the Hormone, Immune, Digestion, Detoxification, Energy Production, Nervous, and Oxidative Systems.

The DRESS for Health Success is a complete health rebuilding program that encompasses Diet, Rest/Recovery, Exercise, Stress Reduction, and Supplementation, that is personalized to each client. This is an opt-in model of self-care where success depends upon compliance and full participation of the client.

Supplements are often necessary and recommended for several reasons. 

  1. Substitution for nutrients that are missing in foods today due to depleted soils and farming practices.
  2. Stimulation of bodily functions and systems that are sluggish or not working optimally.
  3. Support for organs and systems that are weak and need assistance while the body is healing.
  4. Self-treatment for relief from certain conditions where one prefers to avoid prescription medications.

The length of your program will depend on how many symptoms you are dealing with, how long your health complaints have been going on, and how many bodily systems appear to be involved. Our goal is to begin to improve your health in a significant way as quickly as possible, but realistic expectations are important.

Book a FREE Discovery Call to determine which package is the best fit for you.