About Me
Hello, my name is Julie James.
I am so glad you are here!
I help people regain their health, energy and vitality. I know from experience what it is like to suffer from numerous health conditions, hormonal imbalances, chronic pain and constant fatigue.
As a child I frequently struggled with colds, respiratory infections and unexplained rashes, which ultimately lead to me being diagnosed with all sorts of allergies and severe asthma. At the time, my asthma was so severe that I couldn’t even participate in gym class. As a teenager, once my asthma and allergies became more stabilized with treatment, I discovered exercise and became somewhat obsessed.
My love of exercise led me to pursue an undergraduate degree in Kinesiology and a graduate degree in Physical Therapy.
After starting my career in Physical Therapy, my husband and I quickly decided to start trying to have a family. We struggled to conceive for many years and pursued infertility treatments. Getting pregnant was a challenge, but staying pregnant was also. I suffered from severe preterm labor and was hospitalized for much of my pregnancies. Thankfully, we are blessed to have 3 amazing daughters.
While our daughters were young, I began to struggle with feeling cold all of the time, hair loss, dry skin and lack of energy which ultimately led to a diagnosis of Hypothyroidism. I was relieved to have an “answer” and thought the treatment would take care of everything.
Symptoms were relieved for a while and yet others began to appear: headaches, joint achiness and pain, fatigue, etc. I began a quest to figure out what was going on with my body and how to heal it. I saw numerous conventional doctors and functional medicine practitioners. It wasn’t until I discovered Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® that I was able to dig deeper and discover my own hidden stressors and the root causes of the dysfunctions my body was experiencing. As part of the certification process, we ran functional labs to investigate for healing opportunities within my body. It became clear that what I thought was a healthy lifestyle was actually taking its toll on my body.
I was pushing my body too hard with exercise, not sleeping enough, not managing my stress well and not eating what my body needed. The tests revealed sex hormone imbalances, cortisol that was tanked, a suppressed immune system, numerous food sensitivities, leaky gut, a gut pathogen infection, liver congestion and high oxidative stress. Through a holistic self-care protocol of proper nutrition, adequate rest, moderate exercise, stress reduction and targeted supplementation I have been able to restore my health, resilience and energy.
The key is to provide balance to all of the systems of your body and also in your life. It has worked for me like nothing I have ever tried and I know it can work for you too.
I would love to help you!

My Approach
How I work and why Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioners (FDN-P) work the way we do…
The body is always aiming to maintain a state of balance and homeostasis in all tissues, organs, and systems. In a state of ideal health, the body is able to withstand a stressor, adapt to it and then return the body to a state of balance.
However, in today’s world, our bodies are constantly and continually exposed to numerous HIDDEN stressors (whether it is pesticides, herbicides or pollution from the environment, poor nutrient intake, viruses and illnesses, mental or emotional stress and physical stress, just to name a few). Since all of the systems of the body are interconnected and affect each other, stressors impact any combination of the Hormonal, Immune, Digestive, Detoxification, Energy production, Nervous and Oxidative systems.
If the number of stressors is too great or the stressors last too long, there is a gradual breakdown in how the various systems of the body function. We call this Metabolic Chaos®. Initially, this starts as very subtle and vague symptoms or complaints. Over a long period of time, if not addressed, this can lead to chronic illness and disease. Our goal is to help the body rebuild health and resilience, thus preventing long term negative health consequences.
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® is a systematic approach to health. We first use functional lab tests to identify HIDDEN stressors and healing opportunities. Next, we provide individualized recommendations based on each person’s health complaints, history, and test results. We educate and coach clients on how to adopt health-building behaviors, working on the body as a whole, naturally. Success depends upon each client fully participating in our opt-in model of self-care using the DRESS for Health Success® Protocol, which includes personalized recommendations for Diet, Rest, Exercise, Stress management, and Supplementation.
We don’t guess. Instead we test, assess, and address!
This is the “Art & Science of Whole Body Health”.
Become an FDN-Practitioner
Does certification as a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner sound like something you would like to pursue? Find out more about the program HERE. You can also always contact me to ask questions.
Best wishes on your journey to whole body health, resilience and vitality!
The doctor of the future will give no medicines, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.
- Thomas Edison