Thyroid Panel:
This is a blood panel that must be performed at a lab. Often doctors only look at TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) to determine if a patient has a thyroid condition. The problem with only looking at TSH is that TSH is a hormone that comes from the brain to trigger the thyroid to release its hormones (T4 is inactive and T3 is active). However, it does not tell us whether the thyroid is actually releasing these hormones and if they are adequate. For that we need to see free T4 and T3 levels, as well as reverse T3. In addition, to really know how the thyroid is functioning, we also need information about thyroid antibodies, iron levels and even B vitamin status. While we as FDNs cannot prescribe medication if a thyroid issue is found, we can help you find a doctor that can prescribe the best medications and we can also help you with diet and lifestyle solutions to decrease stress on the thyroid gland and to help improve its function naturally. In the example below, this client has an elevated TSH, which indicates hypothyroidism. In addition, while her iron level is good, her T4 and T3 are both below what we would consider optimal.

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