My Journey Here

Have you ever felt sick and tired of being sick and tired? I had reached the point where I just had enough! 

Every day I woke up dragging myself out of bed. Every day I couldn’t make it through the day without a long nap. Every day I struggled to get things done and I was finding it harder and harder to get myself out of the house to do things with friends and family. 

I asked my doctor…”why am I so tired all the time?”

Her answer, “you have 3 small kids, it’s normal to feel exhausted”.

So I pressed on, thinking it would get better as they got older and became more independent. After all, everyone feels this way, right?

But it kept getting worse. I was cold all the time. My skin was dry and my hair was thinning. I struggled to recover from workouts. Surely there had to be a good reason for this! Was it serious? Was it treatable?

Next doctor, “let’s check your thyroid”.

Well I thought we found the answer…I was hypothyroid and had Hashimoto’s. Who would think I’d be so happy to have a diagnosis, but at least now I’d have the treatment/solution…right?

Thyroid medication helped, until it didn’t anymore. My doctor had no answers.

New doctor, “you must be in perimenopause, let’s check your hormones.”

Yay…this must be the reason…finally we can fix it!

Hormone replacement helped, until it didn’t anymore. 

My doctors all said my labs looked great overall. “You’re healthy!” I didn’t “look sick”. Was I crazy? Was this all in my head? Was this just a normal part of aging? Am I stuck this way? There’s no way I can go on feeling like this…

I was finally fed up! This was so frustrating! Why weren’t these treatments working? Is it really the answer to just add a medication to solve every symptom? Is there something else going on that’s causing all of this? Surely there had to be a way for me to get to the root of this.

I wanted to be energetic for my family. I wanted to have energy and motivation to do things with friends. I wanted to feel excited and inspired to tackle projects I enjoyed.

That was when I committed to myself that I would not continue on this way. That I would find a better answer. Because, to me, it was UNACCEPTABLE that there was no other solution to what I was feeling and experiencing. 

From then on, I began researching holistic options to treat my autoimmune thyroid condition and my hormone imbalances.

I stumbled across a functional health practitioner that did in-depth testing (the kind I wished my doctors had run on me, but they never found necessary)…and it all clicked!

If I had the right data, I could create the right path to wellness by addressing the root cause, not just symptoms. I started testing with this practitioner and she immediately found indicators of mineral imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, and adrenal dysfunction. Within TWO weeks of being on a new plan, I felt better than I had in TWO years!

I knew I was onto something. She shared with me about her training, and I knew I needed to get certified myself…not only to help myself heal and feel better, but also to help all of the other people out there who were struggling just like I was. So, I decided to get certified myself.

Through the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Certification (FDN) program, I learned all about functional labs and ran numerous on myself. I found imbalances and dysfunction on virtually every lab…from maldigestion to food sensitivities to poor detox to oxidative stress to dysbiosis and gut parasites to hormonal imbalances…I now understood what was causing all of this chaos in my body, how it all fit together, and how I could bring my body back into balance. No longer did I need to take a pill to treat a symptom. Now I could address the root cause!

I has been 2 years and I feel better than I have in years. I know how to listen to my symptoms and give my body what it needs. It’s the most empowering toolkit and I never imagined it was possible. And I am So SO grateful!!

That’s why I am now a certified FDN Practitioner (FDNP). I was so inspired by my own journey and I am passionate about helping others…so now I can help YOU!

If any of my story resonates and you need support, PLEASE reach out. I’m here for you. It’s time you felt better and your health is worth it!!!
