MRT (the Mediator Release Test):
Another amazing test, this one is the only one that necessitates a trip to the lab for a blood draw. Through this blood test, we can gather information about your degree of sensitivity to over 170 foods and food additives. Having this sort of information is very helpful in helping us pinpoint why you could be experiencing an array of vague symptoms related to foods you are ingesting. These symptoms can vary widely from headaches/migraines, to brain fog, skin issues, gut disturbances, diarrhea/constipation, and many other random symptoms that people typically do not associate with food. In fact, sometimes symptoms are delayed by several days, so it is very difficult to determine what food is the culprit without a test such as this. Having this knowledge will help you remove foods that are causing issues, while also having the confidence to broaden your food choices to foods that are safe for your body. In the example below, we can see that this client has numerous sensitivities to both foods and food additives.